Saturday, October 10, 2009

Research Tips


I just sent out an email to a distant cousin pointing out some things about researching that might help in the search of the proof we need from one generation to the next.

I pointed out several reasons why records do not get discovered.
1. Not looking in the right locations or in the right files.
2. Not looking for the right surname (how it is indexed).
3. Not recognizing all of the various spellings or even mis-spellings.
4. Some records may be recorded many years after an event under the names of grandchildren or even great-grandchildren.
5. I would suggest that there are many more reasons!

Perhaps this will give someone a tip that might help them knock down a brick wall... it has worked for me several times (but not every time, of course). Here was my message (modified to fit here):

I descend from David Ferguson (born 1785 Halifax Co., VA) and Elizabeth Bomar of Hart & Larue County area of Kentucky. We believe that Sarah Francis Ferguson wife of Prosser Cruse was their daughter. So, far there is no solid proof of that. According to an article in the Hart County Historical Society's newsletter, a list of those with a will was published. This list even had the volume & page number... great index. However, the records were destroyed by a fire.

I would suggest that any 10 people could go through a lot of boxes of records and 9 could miss one little record that the 10th. person found that contains the info everyone was looking for. I have accidentally found information that some excellent, experienced genealogists did not connect to our history. I have been researching for about 50 years, now; and, I will say that until you find what you are looking for... you have not looked hard enough or in the right places.

The Clan Ferguson Society would not accept that Elizabeth Cruse (who married Anderson H. Gardner) as the daughter of Prosser Cruse & Sarah Francis Ferguson. I used records filed in Larue County for the estate settlement of the Prosser Cruse Estate in Hart County. It seemed that every genealogist that had worked on this family did not even know about Prosser's oldest daughter Elizabeth. But, there were many records of her in the estate records including several generations down the line. So, who knows there may be some estate records that may exist in deeds or other files that will show David Ferguson's will, especially in Larue County (or other surrounding counties). Another reason why these records are not found is that researchers are looking mostly for David Ferguson (or just Ferguson with its various spellings - another problem), but do not look for records filed under the surnames of the descendants or other heirs. For example a search for William W. Brooks could turn up information on his wife's grandfather David Ferguson or grandmother Elizabeth [Bomar] Ferguson. Brooks was married to Martha Cruse - a daughter of Prosser Cruse & Sarah Francis Ferguson. You could search under James Tobias Long, Jr. and find records that could go back as far as John Bomar the father of Elizabeth Ferguson - this could be as much as 20, 50 or even longer after the original event. Long married Nancy Francis Gardner the grand daughter of Sarah Francis Ferguson.

-Submitted by JGWest

Friday, October 9, 2009

Brief Genealogical Notes


This coming Tuesday, the Tri-State Genealogical Society will hold its regular monthly meeting (7:30 PM) at Willard Library. From 6:30 until the meeting, Mary Lou Bevers and other volunteers will provide some one on one help in your genealogical research, bring what information you have with you.

[Disclaimer: The following came to me by email. is a paid (subscription site). TSGS nor I endorse This information is being provided as a service for our readers.]

Learn the Best Strategies for Searching Online Presentation
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Time: 8:00-9:00 PM Eastern Time
[You will need to register]
With 4 billion records available on, discovering your family’s story is easier than ever. Join our experts as they teach you the best ways to search for—and find—your ancestors. You’ll learn:
Types of information to include in your searches
How to use names and locations effectively in your searches
How to use Hot Keys and Search Forms to refine your searches
What to do when you find a record
How to add alternate information and updates to your ancestors’ records
And more . . .

- Info compiled by JGWest

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tombstone Thursday - Schnee


Nanct W. Schnee (1827-1900) ... buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, New Harmony, Indiana. This tombstone and the footstones are interesting. Note the eye looking out. (Click on photos to get a better, larger image.)

Below is the full tombstone.
Another view with a marker in foreground with a DAR emblem. There is an extraordinary large number of DAR members depicted on markers in Maple Hill Cemetery, as well as, a large number of soldiers from nearly every US war.
Nancy Schnee's footstone or grave marker -- looks as if it had an area to plant flowers.
This is the same type marker for David Schnee.

-Photos taken & submitted by JGWest (10 Apr 2006)

[Tombstone Thursday is dedicated in memory of Donald G. West 1952-2000]

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's


Photo taken at the 2006 Evansville Central High School for their JROTC Awards Banquet by Ruth Hall. This was the photo that Ruth was taking when Chris Myers caught her in his photo giving the impression that Ruth was addressing everyone at the Banquet... see the September 18 TSGS blog "A Photo is Worth a Thousand Words." (

In this photo seated at table is (L-R) Bob Hall (Ruth's husband), John G. West, Becky West, and Peggy Gilkey's elbow is to the far right (in white blouse & blue vest). [Click on photo to get a larger image.] We were there to present the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution's JROTC Medal, Ribbon & Certificate to an Outstanding Cadet. Representatives of the US Military Branches, DAR, etc. along with SAR present awards to deserving cadets for various achievements. We do the same thing for Evansville Harrison High School.

- Photo taken by Ruth Hall

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

From My Email Box - "Links!"

From Linda Hunt (Hart County Kentucky Genealogy Interest Group - ~ Very nice B&W Civil War photos.

From Marsha Bryant (INVANDER-List) ~ WPA Marriage Records 1846-1920... more and more marriage records have come in! Thanks to Virginia Aldridge, Antoinette Waughtel, Tamara Kincaide, Darleen Wilcox and Sarah Emery!

From Jay Odom (Archivist: uswardocs & civilwardocs) ~ . And we did NOT replace , we just added a new site to encompass the other major US wars, from the Revolutionary War to the Spanish American War. And here is a link to Land Records from the Bureau of Land Management:

From Don Counts (TSGS Board of Directors) ~ Hiawatha Insane Asylum... Names of Patients Listed.

-Compiled by JGWest

Monday, October 5, 2009

Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday


This is a more unusual plaque, but I thought it would be good to post today since the very well-known West Side Nut Club Fall Festival begins today about Noon.

It is actually the plaque that is on a throphy from the 2003 fall festival parade. This one is the Patriot Award won by the Ohio Valley Chapter of the Indiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Our local SAR Chapter enters a Revolutionary War Color Guard with Colonial flags and uniforms.
Years ago about 1978, TSGS, under Don Counts leadership, entered an antique car with magnetic signs with the society's name on it. Don encouraged me as the next TSGS President to do the same. The second year we had a newer antique car with room for Becky & the 3 boys. As we went by the reviewing stand the announcer pronounced "Genealogical Society" as the "Gynecological Society" -- but, the gentleman helping him with the cue cards said: "No, they are in my son's Jr. Rockhound Club... that is the Geological Society!" We still laugh about that.

The West Side Nut Club Fall Festival Parade will be this coming Saturday night 10 Oct 2009, come out and look for the Ohio Valley SAR Color Guard.
-Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

Sunday, October 4, 2009



Janet Carol Goebel...

...died this 01 Oct 2009

She was a genealogist, an LDS Family History Librarian, and a friend. At the May meeting of this year Janet was scheduled to give us some tips for researching at her library. She worked at Sam's as a food product sample promotion lady. Becky & I would see her 2 or 3 times each month. She attended some of our TSGS meetings, but the LDS Library was open on the same night and she had to be there. Her and a friend usually had an LDS table at our seminars. Janet always was friendly and had a great smile that made you feel good to see her. We will dearly miss her.

Here is her obiturary from the Sunday Evansville Courier & Press:

Janet Carol Goebel, 71, of Evansville, services 10 am Monday at The Church of Latter Day Saints, entombment at Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation is Noon to 6 pm today [04 Oct] at Browning Funeral Home and 9 am to services Monday at the church.

John G. West, TSGS President