Just some miscellaneous items to mention...
Our Web Site now has visits from 26 countries, 11 with more than one hit. The USA with 1164 unique hits with Ireland having 17 and United Kingdom with 9 unique hits. Our TSGS web site since 14 Dec 2008 has had 1,233 unique visits. We finally got a hit from Hawaii, probably the President.
The Book Acquisition Committee is going through the huge microfilm collection being offered for sale (some good stuff from Virginia, much needed to broaden the collection at Willard Library). I think the main collection that the committee wants to buy is the Draper Manuscripts. Of this Willard Library already bought the William Preston Collection.
Your President has become a real Internet "junkie" in the worst way by setting up a Facebook account... already several have commented about the TSGS Cruiser Blog (these are non-genealogists, basically) - none are members of TSGS. However, there are several TSGS members on Facebook that are on my "friends" to visit with. Facebook is a nice way to keep track of friends and family. Becky, my wife, thinks it is about time I spent some time with the living, instead of mostly with my departed ancestors, family & friends.
Just a reminder ~ if you plan to add anything to our quarterly journal,
The Tri-State Packet, the
deadline for submissions is
April 15 (really not much time left!).
John G. West, TSGS President