This blog was originally set-up for the Tri-State Genealogical Society. Under the new leadership, this blog and the original web site are no longer officially recognized by the society; however, it is continuing to be maintained by its creator, John G. West.
Friday, September 17, 2010
"TREE ROOTS" - Free Genealogy Workshop
The Tri-State Genealogical Society
is proud to sponsor "Tree Roots: Genealogy - The Next Level" conducted by Willard Library... tomorrow Saturday, September 18, 2010 - (9:00 am to 4:00 pm). Speaker will be Terry Prall. This is a free workshop with vendors selling & promoting genealogy products & organizations. For more details visit the TSGS Web Site.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Dancing with the Stars!"
We all have a few famous ancestors or cousins, as well as, a few that are infamous. I have a few of each, but I seem to have quite a few "celebrities"... Lester Flatt of Flatt & Scruggs; Doris Troy: "Just One Look" (Pepsi theme song); local DJ Tex Justus, WBNL radio Boonville, IN; Baseball Star Don Mattingly; local artist Calvin Maglinger. Today I want to talk about Mom's third cousin from Dale, IN. Mom descends from Joseph O. Lewis and Margaret Mattingly that were married on 01 Jan 1843 in Breckinridge, County, KY. Margaret was Joseph's second of 5 or 6 wives (who all died young). They were Mom's Catholic side of her family. Ann Hinton was Joseph's first wife. Mom's cousin from Dale descended from Ann & Joseph Lewis. She got into the entertainment business early in life and she eventually became one of America's favorite TV mothers on the show "The Brady Bunch." Florence Henderson will be one of the "Stars" on the TV show "Dancing with the Stars" that will start this coming Monday, September 20th. We can all vote to keep dancers coming back for the next week's show. I would like to ask anyone that watches to consider voting for Mom's cousin to stay longer on the show.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
From the FIRST MATE's
... last night's TSGS meeting.
We had about 20-25 attend our meeting! We are trying to get more of our 425 members to attend, with a slight increase noted over some meetings of our last fiscal year of 15-20 attending. We would love to have more members & guests to come join us.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
TSGS Meeting tonight!!!!!
The Tri-State Genealogical Society will hold its first meeting of the 2010-2011 year at Willard Library on the second floor. The meeting will begin at 7 PM... this is a change from 7:30 PM. The society voted to start the meetings 1/2 hour earlier to ensure leaving a little earlier for the library staff.
Ken Gilkey will be our guest speaker from the Ohio Valley Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution where ken serves as President and is a member of the chapter's Speakers Bureau. He will tell us about the Indiana Revolutionary War battle where George Rogers Clark captured Ft. Sackville. It is an interesting story! I have attended Ken's program twice and enjoyed learning about this part of the war that most do not know about.
John G. West, TSGS President
Monday, September 13, 2010
Marker/Plaque/Monument Monday - Nancy Hanks Lincoln
The Lincoln Boyhood
National Park...
is located in Lincoln City (Spencer County), Indiana. It is Indiana's memorial & tribute to President Abraham Lincoln. It is the site where he grew up and where his mother died and is buried. The museum has an artist's rendering of how she might have looked (below).

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Mystery at Oak Hill Cemetery
Chris Cooke, Superintendent of the Oak Hill Cemetery, asked me to drop by when I got a chance to take a look at some small sawhorses that he found in the Administration Building basement. They had the letters "G.A.R." on each one. I counted at least nine of them, but there might have been a couple more; some were being used like stands for some planks that were marked "Oak Hill Cemetery." Chris speculated that the planks were used to stand on when lowering a coffin into the grave... that was just a guess. All of them had water stains on the legs and were dirty from being stored in the basement undisturbed for many years! Below is a picture of one of the legs with the letters stenciled on it with the "G" being at the bottom.

The mystery has four parts. Why are they so small, why do they have the letters "G.A.R." on them, what does "G.A.R." stand for, and what were they designed to be used for?
The initials, immediately, point to the "Grand Army of the Republic." Or could they be the initials of someone or a funeral home (or even a vault company)?
The small size might be to use as a platform or even a stage. Maybe they were used like barricades to block off some of the streets during some funerals or special ceremonies. They seem too short for using as benches.
Were they donated to the cemetery or simply just abandoned? Anyone have any ideas, let us know, please!
- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest