TSGS Cruiser Blog

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

From the FIRST MATE's

Willard Library's
Midnight Madness Class
Brenda Joyce Jerome, Certified Genealogist presents "Blogging for Beginners"

Brenda (in the center of this photo with the multi-colored sweater) is using her laptop to give a live online presentation on how to create a blog on the Internet. There were several that wanted to set-up a blog for genealogical purposes. Brenda gave a great program with easy to follow steps to create a blog. Brenda had a very good handout for everyone to use to take home and start their own blog. Brenda Jerome is the newly elected Secretary of the Tri-State Genealogical Society.

- Photos taken & submitted by JGWest

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. Wish I could've been there!